Tuesday, November 19, 2019



  Amazon - Metal Jimmy Raging ?? - Green houes effect 2 - Pro Surfing Orange County - from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.
23,156,935 Views - Amazon - Metal Jimmy Raging ?? - Green houes effect 2 - Pro Surfing Orange County - Metal Jimmy Rips waves in this mini epic ! @@@ https://vimeo.com/45787039 RT http://thegreenhouseeffectrocks.com/audio/THE_GREENHOUSE-It_Aint_Easy.mp3 #BaşbakanAdayım #PollingDay #MetalJimmy #Surf #Surfing #CostaMesa #NewportBeach #Youtube #D @@ #Facebook #Network @@   \ =========================================================== ; --------------------------------------------- ;;; ============================== https://www.jango.com/stations/airplay_song_tunein/play?song_id=695319 @ https://www.jango.com/stations/airplay_song_tunein/play?song_id=695319 Greenhouse Effect - "It Ain't Easy" 2015 @ Bmi Music Publishing 2015. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.
============================= https://www.google.com/search?q=greenhouse+effect+songs+it+ain%27t+easy&rlz=1C1GGRV___US829US829&oq=greenhouse+effect+songs+it++ain%27t+easy&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.12960j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
===========================  https://open.spotify.com/album/7kpjeDoGKMI4nUuojByi8I ===

https://www.amazon.com/Rock-Opera-White-Suburban-Explicit/dp/B001VQPSKO @@ https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Awr9DuIIqdRdXzIAXSxXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3NmcARmcjIDc2ItdG9wBGdwcmlkAwRuX3JzbHQDMARuX3N1Z2cDMARvcmlnaW4Dc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJsAzAEcXN0cmwDMzUEcXVlcnkDZ3JlZW5ob3VzZSUyMGVmZmVjdCUyMHNvbmclMjBpdCUyMGFpbnQlMjBlYXN5BHRfc3RtcAMxNTc0MjE4MDMz?p=greenhouse+effect+song+it+aint+easy&fr2=sb-top&fr=sfp @@@  49,023,934 Views - Jango Radio 2016 Music - Long before Kurt Cobain Existed, there was a crazy, insane, very insecure strange little short 5 foot 6 White Blondie haired dude leading this manic weird Three piece band and out of the Hella Cool Punk rock Mecca REDONDO BEACH CALIFORNIA AND AS MANY NOW KNOW, THAT LEGEND IS "CLARK THE SHARK" HAGINS ,...AND OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT !! "G.E. JUST HAD THIS SOUL, STYLE, AMAZING PRESENCE,.. WE really hella pissed a lotta people off,..( LOL ) just by merely me walking into some room" Says Clark Hagins now today 2019 . Back in the South Bay, from  1985 and into the early 1990's , Hagins and G.e. slowly grew into an important indie alternative rock machine ,..evolving from their early psychedelic garage days with Guitarist Phil "Flipper" Keegan..  G.E. WAS THIS TOTALLY different band in the 1980's " Says Hagins. "But we were always poetic, political, We were mixed up very weird dudes,.. but we certainly had massive potential for commercial marketing ,..we weren't as zany as Frank Zappa,..we had short edible Songs !!" LOL. Hagins says that G.e. got into some weird dispute with their guitarist about "September 1990" and after playing this huge gig at Wilson Park Torrance California that he says was probably "their most important show ever". "That gig was critical as it showed the tremendous Growth of G.e. but I was on lead vocals only there , very uncomfortable with that,.. ,..as we had hired this new drummer to replace me which disappointed and confused a lotta' people around Redondo and the South Bay,.. I was known as this great drummer and I really was too !! My drumming was as important around the South Bay area as like a Kieth Moon or Neil Peart from Rush ,..but I wasn't nearly as good as those guys ( laughs ) though everyone seemed to say that I was !!" Hagins says THAT the Wilson Park Gig was a turning Point for G.e. and for better or for WORSE ! " WE PLAYED a tremendous AMAZING gig that day but I wanted to sing and drum at the same time AND AS I ALWAYS DID BEFORE ,..or play some instrument ,.. I didn't believe in lead singers !!  I was totally obsessed with THREE PIECE BANDS !! AND MY FAVORITE ALL TIME BAND was Robert Wyatt and the Soft Machine,..my number one influence !! He drummed like Keith Moon but he sang like ,..fuck I don't know ,..brilliantly ,..and all at the same time !!!" Another band that stirred Hagins' passions was the Lomita California 3 Piece Group "A Noise Agency". "For me,.. those underground "indie" bands of the 1980's were always Key ,.. i loved Sst Records and the Minute men, DC3, ,..though i don't think they understood or cared for me much ( Laughs ) ,..I guess I just wasn't "Alternative" enough for them !! So many people thought that I was Metal or something,..( LOL )a big  misunderstanding ,.." With Keegan now gone from the Group, Hagins and bassist Rick Carmody began to dissect the vast collection of Clark Haggins "basement tapes" of which it   seemed 100's laid around in existence AND  THE BAND NOW SUDDENLY WERE ONCE AGAIN A THREE PIECE ,..ONLY NOW; WITH HAGINS UPFRONT ,..AND ON GUITAR !!!!  ; "I had built up quite a lotta songs over the years at 251 Paseo De Gracia In Redondo Beach and these songs all began to emerge as "Grunge anthems" circa late 1990 into Feb 1991 and I remember people around town were simply mind blown at the gumption of "The New G.e" both our new songs on recording as well as our new "Re-Invented" Live Show which displayed a sullen Hagins ,..often with his hair covering his eyes, moaning over high volume ear splitting amps as Carmody's bass droned along,.. the band however could also be a very "tight" uptempo precision punk band AT THE DROP OF A HAT as they landed the local drumming services of Great Pros like Greg Tarpley and AT ANOTHER TIME,..the huge power of  Martin Silva !! "G.e had become this totally formidable machine and suddenly there was like this huge Hollywood Record Label interest in "Our Sound" ,..no doubt, we really had something that was TOTALLY new, creative, way ahead of its time, totally maniac onstage, ground-breaking break-through shit" Says Hagins. "There were three very critical South Bay Songs on GOING LEGIT" Says Hagins"And those 3 of course were Star, Ben is Dead, and Hey Negrita !!" I feel that ,..that "Demo" album may have just changed the whole world ,..I think record labels suddenly took note of me and G,.E and they began to "Believe" that an alternative rock band "Could be" Successful now ,..if they had good songs at least !!" "IT AIN'T EASY" WAS A SONG FROM G.E. that would come ,.."Near the end" of the band's existence in late 1992 as one of their last,... the song seems to rely on jumbled random "poetry" lyrics that seem to be about nothing and everything and all at the same time:

"Feed the poor and tax the rich ,..the poor get big and take control !! ; It ain't Easy !!" 
Hagins' songs had often been mired in nonsensical "Poetry" dating to his early years with "Maury A lad Insane" , "Racers" , and plenty of others; "When yer fucked up in the head,...that is how you roll !!" Says Hagins.  

"Kill the gods and Worship Low, be cool 'cause old and rigid is so sleazy ,..it ain't Easy" ,....

WELL ,..our  songs always conveyed some  kind of inner rage, anger, or insanity ,..and to say the very least !! ( Laughs ) Says Haggins. 

'IT AIN'T EASY' SEEMS TO come off as very melodic, filled with an atmosphere and the typical great memorable melodies from Hagins and this track pushes its own envelope as it  implores with a rare kind of "Urgency" yet you can't really figure out what the hell it is about ,..a theme that seems to run though many Hagins' songs,..  "My lyrics don't make any sense yet they make perfect sense,.. the beauty of G.e " ( Laughs ) Says Haggins for rock city Blogs 2019.     #Crypto #Bitcoin #Sales #BTC #Nodes #Node #FullNodes #Ring #StrongBlock #Ethereum #Russia #Ukraine #Singapore #Drip #Money $$  ====================================== https://music.amazon.com/albums/B001VQPSKO ============================== =================================
GREENHOUSE EFFECT SONGS UK - 'It Ain't Easy' Clark Haggans Music BMI RECORDINGS. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo. ========================================== ===== ========================
GREENHOUSE EFFECT SONGS / 'It Ain't Easy' 2010 - Rock City Promotions Boston Massachusetts - BMI Music Nashville. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo. =============================

https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNRRwi7vQtFBtpXu0X1gcvWZzY3kXw%3A1574218045512&source=hp&ei=PanUXe3IHMq10PEPyNeOoAE&q=greenhouse+effect+song+it+ain%27t+easy&oq=greenhouse+effect+song+it+ain%27t+easy&gs_l=psy-ab.12...4309.12635..15241...0.0..0.156.3911.16j21......0....1..gws-wiz.....10..35i362i39j35i39j0i131i67j0i131j0j0i67j0i20i263j0i22i30j33i22i29i30j33i160j33i299.sECQYQ4J9dk&ved=0ahUKEwit25ib4_flAhXKGjQIHcirAxQQ4dUDCAw ================================================
Greenhouse Effect - "It Ain't Easy" 2015 @ Bmi Music Publishing 2015. from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo. ===================================
You may have heard Greenhouse Effect's "It  Ain't Easy" in like more than a million Pro Surfing videos or 2" ( Laughs ) Says Haggins. "My Drumming seems to have a surf beat thing in it !!"  ============================== www.MusicLinkup.com ; 0.99 $$ When I wrote this amazing track, I just had this weird feeling it would be this huge hit on the web !! https://vimeo.com/122213276 Get #jango Radio #airplay with #Songcast ! https://vimeo.com/122213276 #buy #itunes #ge ?? #weird #youtube #huge #digitalmarketing #amazon #feeling #web #podcast #would #amazing # #podcasting #branding #marketing #track #netflix #video #business #podcasts #hit #get @ #Crank this #classic at #jango Radio #pandora #Facebook